The school offers spacious transport facilities for its students. Its buses ply different routes to cover the widest area possible. The care takers take care of the students.. The school operates its own 17 buses on specific routes, depending on the number of students on the route. Once a route has been finalised no changes/diversions will be entertained, and parents are requested to co-operate.

Spacious Bus

Secure Service

All Routes
- The list of stops is prepared keeping in view the convenience and safety of all the commuters. Therefore, buses will not stop according to individual convenience.
- Parents are required to pick up the child from the designated stop. In case the parent/guardian/caretaker is not there to receive the child, the driver is instructed to bring back the child to the school.
- In case of a change in route or destination, please inform the school transport authorities in writing to facilitate efficient planning. Please inform us in advance because drivers are not authorized or permitted to take these decisions. Please avoid calling drivers directly as the mobile phones given to them are for emergencies only and they are not permitted to use them while driving.
- Parents should drop their children outside the bus and should not board the school bus.
- Parents are requested not to complain to the bus driver, conductor or security guard but report the matter to the transport in charge / section educator in writing.
- Please ensure that you understand the transport rules and encourage your child to follow them to enable the smooth running and safety of the transport system.