
Our Kindergarten teachers are seasoned veterans who prioritize play-based learning and spiritual growth, laying a valuable foundation for later schooling.Kindergarten is intended for the 3 and half year old and can be especially helpful for the children very close to the kindergarten threshold who would benefit from learning experiences targeted to their developmental stage. We offer a full day - 5 days a week class meets Monday - Friday and starts at 8:30am to 3.30pm.Kindergarten brings more structure to the early learning environment.Students move from structured teacher directed activities to play and movement throughout the day.


The five day Preschool class runs from 8:30 to 3.30 pm Monday to Friday. The Preschool class is designed for students from age 2 and a half, and must turn 2 and half years old by july 31 st . Students must also be fully potty trained. Our teachers create a safe and nurturing environment for students to develop a love of learning, a love of God, and the social and emotional skills to thrive.A typical day moves between structure and play with more emphasis on play.The daily schedule includes small group morning welcome, learning centers,focus time, snack, music, and outdoor play. Students have PE twice a week inside campus.Field trips enrich student learning and development. Preschool students take numerous field trips during the year include Farms, Aquarium, Supermarket and more!

Early Learning Philosophy

Love of Learning Through Play

Young children learn and communicate best through play and hands-on interaction with God’s creation, both with others and by themselves. Before a child can move successfully to the symbolic and abstract levels of thinking, she must master the concrete.Our goal is to foster an attitude of joy and love of learning by providing an environment rich in hands-on experiences in art, literature, music, science, math and Bible so that each child is able to successfully interact with the materials and learn to play cooperatively with others. Through play, self-chosen activities, and teacher directed learning, each child is able to experience the value of their work, grow as a child of God, and understand their story in God’s story.

Teachers Who Care 

Our teachers’ goal is for every child to know they are loved by God, and to love him in return. They model Christ’s example with a deep commitment to their own journey of faith. As a licensed facility, all of our teachers must meet rigorous standards and participate in continuous professional development.Our teachers engage with the children to promote learning through language, active play, and exploration. Teachers work in partnership with parents and families to provide individualized attention and develop the strengths of each child.

What are the differences between Preschool and Kindergarten?

Put simply, preschool is preparation for schooling, specializing in social,emotional, and physical skills, while Pre-K deliberately scaffolds learning from preschool into Kindergarten.Preschool prepares children for the idea of school and separating from parents. They learn to acknowledge the existence of others in their world, follow simple directions, and understanding where letters and numbers fit into
our world. They become more independent (i.e. putting coats on, walking in a line, going to the bathroom on their own). All of this is accomplished organically through play. With the guidance of specially trained teachers children create their own learning at their own pace. Kindergarten is all of this plus the cognitive skills needed to succeed in Kindergarten and beyond. More emphasis is placed on the growing interest in reading, writing, math, and science skills. Children are encouraged to create their own situations for learning through play. In Kindergarten a teacher will expand on interests of the children in their class, and incorporate the cognitive skills needed for continued success in the coming grades.

Areas of learning

Your child will mostly be taught through games and play.
The areas of learning are:

  • communication and language
  • physical development
    personal, social and emotional development
  • literacy
  • mathematics
  • understanding the world
  • expressive arts and design