History of Good Shepherd Central School

     Good Shepherd Central School  had its opening in the virtual mode for the academic year 2021-22 on 1st August 2021. The total strength of the school from Nursery to  Grade 4 stands 75 , 12 teaching staffs and 2 non teaching staffs.

Academic Achievements:

                         In this academic session, due to pandemic the school has primarily been working in an online mode in accordance with Government Regulations. Students were in touch with the subject teachers and class teachers through Zoom App. Efforts were being made to ensure that all students actively participated in the online class and ensured maximum outcome. Teachers conducted their online lectures with attractive and informative Power point presentations, online activities, periodic test and examinations were conducted through online mode. Efforts were made to promote the holistic development of students encouraging them to participate in both curricular and co- curricular activities

When the school reopened physically for a brief period, all precautions of sanitization, wearing of mask and social distancing was maintained . Care was also taken to ensure that staffs were vaccinated well in advance to provide a safe and secured school environment.


   “Life is a celebration”

Children’s Day:

        Children are the beautiful flowers of the school garden. We celebrated the Children’s Day on November 14th 2021. The teacher entertained and enlightened students with variety of programs including games, songs etc.

Religious Festivals :

Religious festivals like Christmas , Pongal were celebrated with  due respect to the religious sentiments of our students.

Green Day:

Everything around us is an array of colour. Green is the most common colour in the natural world. Good Shepherd Central School  organized various activities on the Green Day .Students were taught the identification and recognition of green vegetables, leaves and various green objects.

 Parent & Teachers Association:

PTA’s provide parent and teachers a mutual platform to work for the betterment of the school, teaching and everything that influences the physical and intellectual growth of a child.

Periodic Assessments track records of the students were updated to the parents on a regular basis.

Orientation Program – Teachers

    Orientation Program was conducted for the teachers  by Mr. Jaya Kumar , Assistant professor of  Hindu College  on June7, 2022. Teachers were oriented on different teaching skills  to be used in the classroom effectively.

Staffs were charged up to begin the next academic year with a new mindset and  a futuristic vision of dealing with students entrusted to them.

Graduation Day:

                         Graduation is not the end. It’s the beginning

To celebrate the progress and development of students, Senior KG students celebrated  graduation day on April 30, 2022. The Program began with the encouraging words of our chairman Mr. T. Ravi Kumar.

                       Certificates were issued for the graduates. The little ones recited graduation song followed by the  Pledge . The success of the event was evident through the joyful smiles of the parents. It was indeed a memorable experience for the tiny tots.

Conclusion :

We express our heartfelt gratitude to all our students, parents, well wishers and patrons of our school whose constant support and guidance has helped maintain high standard of education and discipline in our school. We take this opportunity to commit ourselves to do our best to serve this locality through quality education. We seek the blessing from the God Almighty to help and guide us in the right direction.